Frequently Asked Questions
Delve into detailed insights on the leading field service software, providing comprehensive answers to your inquiries about features, integrations, and user experiences. This resource is designed to guide you through the selection process, helping you understand why our software stands out in growing and managing your service business.
How long does it take to sync remote devices to the back office(s) with FieldConnect service software?
FieldConnect syncs wirelessly with your back office in real time. So, when your field service technicians can update account histories and billing logs, the data syncs to your ERP/back-end system right away. Technicians do not need to visit the office, and nobody has to wait for a batch syncing to occur.
What if there is no internet or wireless connection, do my techs have to stop working? Is there an offline mode?
Your technicians can work offline (or at sites with poor wireless reception) without compromise. FieldConnect service software will sync once it reestablishes the connection.
Are there restrictions on mobile hardware and software I can use with FieldConnect?
FieldConnect is device agnostic – work with your preferred equipment brands and vendors. Your choices are not limited to specific mobile hardware and software.
Are there any manual processes involved in connecting to the back office?
FieldConnect’s solution integrates directly with the ERP/database, delivering real-time integration between Field Service and your preferred ERP system. It eliminates all manual processes (such as double entry of information), which ensures accurate and up-to-date reporting.
Can FieldConnect help me increase the capacity of my field service division without adding personnel?
With a mobile field service solution from FieldConnect, you can add more service calls without adding more field service technicians and supporting staff. Have you tried using our ROI Calculator for service software?
We had a disappointing change-management experience in the past. How steep is the FieldConnect learning curve?
FieldConnect is easy to learn and use, improving field technician adoption, making the time and material capture process simple, and eliminating inaccuracies and errors. We also have the best customer service team of any field service software and offering training sessions until all members of your team(s) are expert FC users.